Earlier this month, I posted on the (few) pros and (mostly) cons of retractable leashes. Here's some more on the dangers of those retractable leashes. One woman actually lost her finger to one of these leashes – if that's not reason enough to want to switch leashes, I don't know what is.
From the Consumer Reports website:
Retractable-leash makers do put some pretty stark warnings about
their products on their Web sites and on the packaging. Germany-based Flexi, one of the largest manufacturers of the leashes, has a long page of warnings on it Web site. Here’s how it begins:
avoid the risk of eye or face injury and cuts, burns, and amputations
to your body or the body of another person from the leash cord/tape or
all belt and hook, (sic) read and follow these Warnings and Directions for Use before using your Flexi leash.”