One year ago yesterday, I quit my Federal job and made the full-time jump working with dogs and their people. I remember that day vividly – I was terrified and thrilled all at the same time.
It was very scary – I’d been with the Government for 18 years. I grew up there, for heaven’s sake! It was secure, the pay was pretty good, and I had a nice job. But it wasn’t what I loved. It kept me away from my husband, from my dogs. I was not particularly happy.
My ridiculously supportive husband told me to just go. Go and be happy. Give it a whirl and give it your best. So I did. And it’s the best decision I’ve made (except marry him, of course).
Before I quit, I was working two jobs — the Federal job from 7:00a – 4:30p and the dog training job from 5:30p – 9:00p. Every day. Every night. It was killing me. I didn’t see my husband, I didn’t see my dogs. I was grumpy. I was mean. I was unhappy.
Fast forward one year, and my life has done a 180 degree turnaround. I’m happy. I’m not stressed. I’m living my very own dream. There’s nothing like it! I’m not making nearly the money, I’m working a lot more hours. But…I couldn’t be happier. I’m doing what makes me happy.
A big thank you goes out to all my clients who have become friends along the way. It’s been a great year. I’m looking forward to another (and another, and another).