Deep Dog Love: The Ties That Bind
I'm writing from Chicago at a conference about blogging. BlogHer is a big conference for women who blog. I'm here alone, don't know anyone, and there is not one session that is dog-related. Basically, I'm a fish out of water.
I'm extroverted, though, and can make friends quickly, but I feel most comfortable with dog people. I don't mean people with dogs, I mean *dog people*. People who enjoy dogs to their core.
BlogHer attendees fall into some broad categories, but the main ones are mommy bloggers, fashionistas, and foodies. I love to eat food — that's about how much I have in common with this crowd.
Or so I thought.
To my delight, I was in the middle of a session by some food photographers and videographers (storytellers, really), White on Rice Couple (, when I suddenly found myself crying. Actual tears.
This couple are phenomenal storytellers — with photography and with video. And guess who starred in their own personal stories? Guess what recharged their batteries at the end of their long days?
Their dog.
They are dog people. There's no doubt that they GET dogs. The tears came unexpectedly. They were there before I even knew they were coming. The tears came because the way these folks told their story was exactly how dogs make me feel, too. It was like finding someone in a foreign country who speaks your language. It was bliss.
Coming to a conference that's out of my comfort zone is important, albeit difficult. What I'm getting while I'm here, though, is affirmation that I am living my passion. There's nothing I want to do more than help dog lovers — not just people who have dogs — enjoy their dogs even more.
For all my fellow dog people, dogs are the ties that bind. I don't care how much money you do (or don't) make, I don't care what church you do (or don't) go to, I don't care what political party you do (or don't) belong to. If you are a dog person and love your dog like he's family, we've got a lot in common.
And that makes me really happy.