Tonight is the local minor league baseball's Bark in the Park. For one night only, your dog can enjoy Major League Baseball with you! We've made this an annual event for the last several years. Not because we're baseball fans (we're football fans), but because we think the dogs really enjoy getting out and seeing different sights.
And sharing popcorn, peanuts, and yes, even a hot dog!
Here's the trouble: I traveled for work over the weekend and got in at 3:30a this morning. After a quick nap, the dogs got me up and I've been going full-tilt ever since. All I really want to do is eat an early dinner and go to bed!
The dogs only get one chance a year to go to the baseball game. I'm sure they know we've got this planned, so it's not like I I'll disappoint them if I decide to stay home. But I would disappoint myself if I let them miss a fun opportunity like this.
So. I'm schlepping my sleepy self out tonight so my dogs can enjoy a really cool, fun, exciting night.
Does that make me weird? Crazy? Off my rocker?
Or does that make me a good, thoughtful dog owner?