I ran across a great article written by a smart-cookie veterinarian. You can see the whole article here. Here are the 10 myths – find any you believed before you read the article? Leave a comment and let me know which myth surprised you the most.
Myth #1: Puppies shouldn't go to puppy classes until they've received all their vaccinations.
Myth #2: Crazy owners have crazy pets.
Myth #3: My dog is fearful/aggressive/shy because she was abused as a puppy.
Myth #4: This new medication will treat your pet's [insert behavior problem here].
Myth #5: Dogs who are aggressive are dominant. (No matter what any Whisperer says!)
Myth #6: My dog knows he's been bad – see how guilty he looks?
Myth #7: If you use treats to train your dog, they'll always be needed for your dog to comply.
Myth #8: Dogs chase their tails because they're bored.
Myth #9: Any trainer can handle all behavior problems.
Myth #10: I don't have time for behavior cases. (This one is specifically meant for veterinarians.)
If you were surprised that any of these were myths, you're probably not the only one. Print the article out and take it to your vet.