Smart Dog U really helped me deal with my first puppy and help me grow her (Etta) into a sweet little girl. Without that training from SDU this would have been a tough journey.
Ingrid CopelandWe did in-home training and group classes which helped us welcome Ember into our family. Her understanding of both dogs and busy families made the training easy and guilt-free.
Beth SchillaciThank goodness I discovered Smart Dog University! Laurie’s methods quickly made me realize that I was the one in need of training. The end result: A well behaved pup (Kasey) who is a true companion!
Matt ChurchLaurie is someone Your Dog’s Friend depends on for good information on dog behavior and training presented in an engaging, understandable way. She has done free workshops for us; we have used her articles in our newsletter; and she is a trainer whom I can refer people to with total confidence.
Debra Ekman, Your Dog’s FriendLaurie is a very knowledgeable and experienced trainer. She does a wonderful job with both the dog and owner. She is easily approachable and genuinely wants to make sure you and your dog are getting the most out of her classes.
Suzie Brown
Thank you for saying this! I think this message is as important as, if not more important than, any training advice we can give out.
Such helpful words. I hate to train ugly. Rex is leash-reactive with other dogs. I never, ever leave the house without a pocket-full of treats, anticipating yet another positive training moment. And yet yesterday, a lovely fall day alive with color and embraced in gray mist (it’s the northwest, remember?) I just couldn’t bear to “train”. So off we went: treatless, clicker-less, into the void. Any nary a dog did we see. We sniffed, we wandered, we explored, we shoofed leaves in the woods. And NO. We did not train. Not at all.
It was heaven.
Just for the day. It felt wonderful, because training would have been ugly. Sometimes you just have to BE.