Service Dog Turn-Ins are the Worst
I had written several “goodbye and good luck” posts to Levi at the beginning of the year. Thankfully, my computer was busted and my iPad kept losing the posts. Tuesday, January 6 was supposed to be Levi’s last day with us. I loaded him in the car before dawn and started the three-hour trek to the service dog organization. A light dusting of snow was forecast for our area, but central Virginia was supposed to be fine.
The snow saved the day.
Our roads were awful. Interstate 70 is a major highway that runs from Maryland to Utah, surely it would be snow-free, I thought. Nope. The highway was completely snow covered, no lane markers could be found. We were going about 45 miles an hour and slipping up the hills. It was ugly.
We went about 10 miles before I decided to turn around and get the heck off the road. If I did make it there without getting busted up in an accident, it would have taken double or triple the time. Three hours one way is bad enough, I didn’t fancy double or triple that!
We got back home, snuggled up in a blanket and called it a day. Schools had been cancelled, accidents snarled traffic, and we watched it all from inside the warm, comfy house. Later that day, after the snow stopped and the sun was this peachy, glowy, lovely shade of yellowish orange, I took my camera outside to get some of these “found” moments with Levi.
New Turn In Day
So, naturally, the snow didn’t change anything except Levi’s turn-in date. He still has to go back, I still have to say goodbye, but not until the end of the month! I’m hoping we get a few more days to play in the snow. We’ll certainly make the most of our extra “found” time together!
Enjoy your bonus time with Levi!
Thanks, Anne! We are making the most of it! 🙂
It’s hard to believe how much Levi has grown physically since the first video of him. He has gone from a cute puppy dog to a beautiful guy! What an excellent job you’ve done with him! I know it will be a tough farewell when it comes. He will definitely make an invaluable addition to someone’s life!
Thanks so much. He’s going back this Friday, sniff sniff…