We had a happy, uneventful Halloween 2009. I gave the dogs some rawhides and put them behind a sturdy gate. The door knocking, the bell ringi
ng – I thought it might be too much for the hounds.
As we got a feel for the pace of the trick-or-treater's I felt comfortable bringing Talos out for a few rounds of kids. He started wagging his tail the moment he heard the kids. I had plenty of delicious dog treats on hand to pair with the approaching kids. He brushed off my treats – the kids were his reward!
After about three herds of kids, I thought it prudent to put Talos back in the house. Tango was very happy to take Talos' place and did just as well at Talos did with the kids. In fact, I believe Tango got a bit bored toward the end. He laid down on the porch and tried to get in some sleep.
We hope you and your dogs had a happy Halloween and enjoyed more treats than tricks!
Good Job Boys!