Quick, anyone know the movie? (Answer's at the bottom.)
It's been a rough week here. I've had more troubles and snafu's this week than I care to remember: There have been brand new video camera malfunctions (and subsequent returns to the store), adventures with Comcast (our local phone, internet and cable company) that has included (so far): a trip to the facility (about an hour round-trip), 2 modems, a gateway, and countless hours on the phone. I've restarted my computer a million kajillion times. And I still don't have wi-fi.
We've lost cable channels. Our dial tone randomly disappears. Tonight, we had no cable whatsoever. Which left us with no tv, no internet. Lovely.
Today, I had a 4.5 hour car trip in front of me. The good news: Tango was along for the ride! What could go wrong? (Never ever ask that question!) Well, the 4.5 hour trip turned out to be 6 hours. I was late to my event.
So to cap of the stellar (not!) week I'd had, it was only fitting that when I picked up Tango's poo, my finger found the only hole in the entire stupid pickup bag.
The movie I quoted tonight, when my finger got the poo on it: Joe Dirt with David Spade. (One of my all time favorites.)
Let's hope next week brings me clean fingers, a consistent dial tone, all the wi-fi I could ever want, and our full cable lineup (with HD)!
I sincerely hope you have a better week next week. I really feel for you.
Hope next week goes better. And that the biggest tragedies in your life are no worse than a little poo under the finger nails. 🙂
I usually shy away from linking to my own blog in comments (and if you want to delete this, I understand), but I thought you might enjoy a post my husband wrote recently on his funniest dog poo misadventure. http://www.somethingwagging.com/2011/07/28/the-dog-the-universe-and-me/
At least I found it hilarious. He didn’t find it nearly as funny at the time as he did when writing the post two years later.
Pamela, I’m glad you put the link so that I had the chance to read up. 🙂
Laurie, hope you’re having a better week 😉