I love getting the chance to step into my dog’s world every now and then.
I particularly enjoy snow walks, especially when I’m with Tango, my favorite dog.
Snow walks expose a secret world to me.
I see where all the little animals have criss-crossed the fields. I see the paths I’m sharing with other walkers. I see the dinner tables of the small animals where they’ve had their dinner of nuts and berries.
Tango enjoy this time together, too.
He sniffs a lot more. He’ll stick his entire head into a snow bank, snuffle and snort around, and when he finally emerges, he’s a white Labrador, not a caramel-y yellow Lab.
It’s interesting to watch – through Tango’s behavior – how the snow plows have moved the snow, and the scents, from their normal, reliable spots. Tango tries to sniff his favorite curb only to look slightly bewildered (when he can’t find the normal scents?) and then seem surprised to find that scent up the road apiece. I’m guessing all of this, of course, as I only have his body language as my guide.
In any event, I’d say our snow walks are the only good thing about winter. I’m ready for spring and all the melting and mud and mess that comes with it. Anything for green grass and warm breezes!
It is so much fun watching the dogs busy with the snow. Playing, and using their nose to pick up all the smells. And like you say, we can even follow a little what they are doing by the tracks in the snow. we love winter time, no spring wishes here yet 🙂
Talos sighting! Laurie, they did a story on Charlottesville’s NBC 29 this morning about a service dog, and it was Talos. Check their website for a video.
Don’t you just love watching them play in the snow and enjoy life in the moment. I wish more of us could just play in the moment like they do. I’ve got a 7.5month old heeler and she is addicted to playing in the snow.. My other pup could care less!