It was 3:00a when I heard the bark. I knew who it was, instantly, even though the bark came from the other side of the house. And I even knew what the bark was for. [Lily. She wanted to patrol the yard for vermin. We’ve had vermin lately. Or so she says.] Then, I heard another dog, in another room, shake his head. Just from the sound of his ears flapping I could identify him, too. In the dark. [Tango. Soft, velvety ears.]
I tweeted a question this morning:
If you have more than 1 dog, can you tell which one is barking without looking? Drinking water? Shaking her head?
The answers I got back didn’t surprise me. Yup, lots of dog-people can identify their dog in the dark. They can tell them apart by their footsteps, the way they drink water, the way they sneeze, and lots of other ways.
I’m happy to know I’m not the odd (wo)man out on this one. That I’m just as normal as the next dog lover.
Tell me: Can you tell your dogs apart in the dark? Leave me a comment!