No one loves their job more than me, but it's tough coming off a vacation. Even the dogs are sad we're home. In the picture to the left, Lily's fishing, Tango's supervising, and Nemo's fixin' to take a nap.
That's what we did all day, every day while on vacation. We'd head to the dock around 9:30a or 10:00a and stay down there until about 4:00p or 4:30p.
We'd take the boat out for a few hours, swim in the middle of the lake, or just cruise around and look at all the spectacular houses being built. I wish I would have taken the camera on the boat with me…)
All day, Tango retrieved his bumper, Lily fished, and Nemo antagonized whichever dog was closer. Actually, Nemo preferred to be held in Dana's arms out in the water. Sometimes Dana would swim to another point, and the dogs would follow. They'd then explore a new territory on the shore. It was really a little slice of heaven.
We saw two bald eagles on the lake. They flew directly over us and wow was it a sight! I couldn't believe my eyes. We took the dogs out on the boat and had stopped to jump off the boat and swim around. Off the nearby shore, I saw a big bird take off from a tree. His (her?) white head was unmistakeable. Absolutely breathtaking. We watched as it soared up, then really low to the water as it plucked a fish from the lake. Not far behind was a second eagle, just as majestic.We went out to that spot each day and were rewarded with an eagle sighting each day. I didn't realize it until I came back and researched them on the internet, but they're quite common on Lake Anna. I've been going to Lake Anna for almost 30 years and this was my first sighting. I'll be keeping my eyes open from now on!
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