Each month, I take my boy for acupuncture to help stave off the need for non-steroidal anti inflammatory medicine (NSAIDs).
I was an acupuncture skeptic. I’m all about research, empirical data — show me it works and I’ll believe that it works. We’re on our fourth session and I can confidently say that acupuncture is working for my boy.
I love our acupuncture days. It gives me 45 uninterrupted, quiet, by-ourselves minutes to enjoy Tango. No puppy interruptions. No “pet me, let me out, or feed me” disturbances from other dogs. I took this picture today at his acupuncture appointment.
It’s clear to everyone (and yes, every dog) that Tango’s my favorite boy. He gets the choice-iest leftovers, he gets the most attention, the best spot on the couch. You name it — he gets the best or the most. Or pretty much whatever he wants.
I’ve been thinking a lot about why he’s my favorite. We’ve got three other dogs in the house, why isn’t one of them my favorite, I wonder. I think it’s pretty simple: Tango loves me as much as I love him.
And that’s saying something.
I think he loves me more than my parents or my husband.
That’s not a slight to either my parents or my husband. It’s just the way it is. Tango depends on me. He enjoys me. He thinks I’m funny. He knows I’ll give him something extra.
And that’s ok with me. And so far, it seems to be ok with the other dogs, too. They are ALL loved (to excess, actually) and they have their favorites, too (it’s my husband, Dana). Go figure.
Which brings me to the question: Do YOU have a favorite dog? Why? Do you feel guilty even admitting that you have a favorite. (Clearly, I don’t.) Leave a comment and let me know!