Exactly one year ago today, I took Nemo to the vet because he had a weird spot on his leg. (The picture on the left is after one of his three surgeries.) That began our six month journey through hell and back, when he was diagnosed with a very bad — and deadly — fungus. Thankfully, three surgeries and thousands of dollars in drugs later, (and also due to the extremely good veterinary care he received!) Nemo is here to enjoy life.
So, when I noticed that Tango had a weird spot on his foot earlier this week, I didn't want to watch it – I wanted it looked at right away.
After some initial tests, the vet confirmed it is fungus. We're hoping it's just yeast and not the bad fungus (pythium).
What's the common ingredient in both situations? We've seen this weird stuff happen two years in a row, right after vacation. I'm hoping that Tango's foot problem is just a yeasty fungus problem and not the deadly fungus that Nemo had.
So now Tango's on an antifungal (ketaconazole) for 30 days. Our vet says we should see improvement in a week and if not, we'll do a culture and send it out for testing. Stay tuned…
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