I've been traveling a lot lately. Every time I travel, no matter how short the visit, I always carry Puppy. Puppy was given to me way back in 1983. That makes him oh, about 27 years old.
Did I mention that I'm almost 42 years old?
Yeah, that's a little pathetic isn't it? A 42-year old woman traveling with a stuffed animal?
I don't go anywhere without Puppy. He's been on camping trips to Assateague Island, he's been to Germany (and will be going again very soon), he's been on a cruise — in short, if I go, Puppy goes.
I don't — can't and won't — sleep without him. No matter if I'm home, in a sleeping bag, on a ship, or in my very own bed, Puppy's with me.
He's my "dog away from dogs." He's my security blanket. He's my comfort.
I can't take my dogs on the plane with me. So Puppy is a terrific stand-in. I had to warn my then-boyfriend (now husband) that I, the woman he loved, slept with a dog. Not just slept with, but HAD TO sleep with.
Oh, thank god for understanding husbands. And for understanding and accepting friends, too. When I travel with my dog-training friends, they get the same warning. I sheepishly mention that, oh, by the way, I have this stuffed animal that sleeps with me. So far, everyone's been cool about it.
You know what they say about dogs and people: if your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either. I feel the same way about Puppy: if people have a problem with Puppy, I should probably take a closer look at them.
Next week, Puppy will travel to Chicago with me. And then after that, Puppy and I are headed to Italy, then Germany. Puppy always travels in my carry-on luggage just in case my luggage ever gets lost… Puppy and I are a team. And quite a good one, I must say. I'm glad to have a stand-in for my real dogs – it makes business trips (or any kind of trip, really) much easier.
I have my Minnie Mouse that travels with me, when the dogs can’t go. She went back to Walt Disney World this past January, 34 years later…and my dad was delighted. He told everyone at the park, on the buses, in the resort…lol. 🙂 “I bought her this Minnie when she was a year old, and she brought her back to visit!”
I understand about Puppy! 🙂
Ah, someone who understands! 🙂
The little kid in us never grows too old to love a puppy. 🙂
Guard Puppy carefully. My husband once packed my teddy bear, Puppy, in my luggage on a business trip. One evening I returned to my room to find Puppy gone. I complained to management but I couldn’t get them to take my loss of a stuffed bear seriously.
You’d hate to think that because you love him someone else might too!