The weather in the Mid-Atlantic is looking very much like Spring! The sun is shining, the grass is green, the birds are singing, and the big dogs are a little silly! Every time I let them out (I should wise-up and just leave the door open), they throw their heads up and take in big gulps of air. Just once I wish I could know what that feels like – they look positively mesmerized by what's floating on the breeze.
Anyway, after those first few minutes of tranquility, it's off to the races! They run here, they run there. They jump. They stalk (ok, only Talos and Nemo stalk – the Labradors are not stalkers, thankyouverymuch). I put together some footage today of the dogs enjoying the day.
Take note of how physical Nemo (black dog) and Talos (cow lookalike) play. They're well-matched play partners: they both like the same kind of play. An Australian Shepherd or a German Shepherd would not find this kind of play at all enjoyable, however. They're more chase and be chased dogs, not wrestle and body-slam.
Notice that Lily's nowhere to be seen. She's a wallflower when it comes to playtime. The two big dogs are too rough for her and playing with them is just not fun for her. She was curled up under my feet, tucked safely out of harms way.
Note: In the second video, you'll hear Talos yelp at the end of the tape. Talos (or Nemo) came down on Talos' leg funny and Talos limped for a few minutes. Talos is completely fine. In fact, the first video was taken after that fall.
Spring Fever courtesy of the Big Dogs:
Cute!!! Boys will be boys!!! Glad everyone is OK.